Do you know what it’s like...
To feel alone? And abandoned?
Unshielded and unprotected?
From the flirty men, the world has to offer?
The ones whose breath reek of liquor.
The ones who seem harmless,
Yet are the worst of the worst.
The ones who fill your ears with dirty whispers and nasty thoughts?
Dragged into an alley and pinned down,
With a stranger crawling and climbing
All up inside of you.
Screaming and crying out...
For that 1 person to save you,
But they never come.

Always alert and always watchful.
Do you know what it’s like to always look over your shoulder?
To hate every man...
And not be able to trust anyone?
Because he can be him.

Frequent pee, uncontrollable vomit.
Different colors and various scents.
Your belly swells, growing with a monster’s creation.
Nowhere to turn, nothing to do to stop this terrible fate.
Pains and cramps.
Blood and water.
You give birth to a monster’s child,
That only reminds you everyday,
Of that day, you screamed for help
But no one came.
©2012 By Dominique D. All rights reserved